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The Game Changers | 破局者的游戏
led by Yuki He

2024/11/27 - 2025/1/15
Every Wednesday
7-9 PM


Go, an ancient Chinese game, was designed on a 19x19 board with 361 points, using black and white stones. It’s a strategic battle to claim more territory than your opponent.Starting this November, Accent Sisters invites you to our Go night every Wednesday, open to everyone from beginners to Dan-level players, introverts, ADHDers, girls, and queers. All ages welcome! If your daily grind has you worn out, Go is the refuge. Here is the shelter for you to get lost in time, to confront your flaws, impatience, fear, and greed, and ultimately discover yourself. Introverts may find Go as your sanctuary. It is a game to play without uttering a word. It thrives in silence. In a city like New York, where true connections are rare, Go offers intellectual intimacy with the person across the board. Hours pass, and foes turn into friends.

For those with ADHD, or anyone drowning in social media, this is your escape. Go board offers you the joy of infinite possibilities without mindless videos. Each move opens up 200 possibilities, offering a thrill of openness. Come take a shot of dopamine. People with shared female experiences, this is our game. Female Go players make up only about 5% of all players but Go should be for everyone. It’s time to shatter stereotypes in Go. This game is for everyone. Let’s join proudly as feminists and keep the door open for others. In 2016, Go Master Lee Sedol was defeated by AlphaGo, an AI by Google’s DeepMind. As AI conquered the most complex game, we ask: Where’s the limit of Go? Where’s the limit of us all humans?

About the Instructor

Yuki He is a 2 Dan Go player who studied under the tutelage of Liang Henian 6P (1958-2012) from 1996 to 2002. In 1998, he clinched first place in the Child Division at the Shenzhen Go Tournament before embarking on training at the Beijing Xingze Go School that same year. Despite pursuing a major in architecture and being away from Go for over 20 years, Yuki has recently returned to promote Go culture. Presently, he teaches adult classes ranging from beginner to Dan level in New York. Beyond Go, Yuki is also founder of Mamahuhu, co-publisher of Gong Press, and he sometimes makes music, too.

Weekly Schedule

Week 1(11/27): Go History, Culture & Basic Rules 圍棋歷史,文化與基本規則

  Go Heroes, Opening Styles 佈局流派

   Opening Quiz 棋力測試

Week 2(12/4): Basic Joseki 基本定式

   Life & Death Basics 基礎死活

   Actual Game Practice 實戰訓練

Week 3(12/11): Tesuji Basics, Advanced 手筋:基础与進階

   End-game Basics: How to finish a game 官子基礎與目數計算

   Actual Game Practice 實戰訓練

Week 4(12/18): Famous Female Players in Go History 女子棋士英雄傳

   Actual Game Practice 實戰訓練

Week 5(1/1): Mid-game: Fighting, Invasion, Reducing, Surviving 中盘:對殺,打入,侵消,治孤

    Advanced Tricks 棄子、打劫、轉換等高級戰術

    Actual Game Practice 實戰訓練

Week 6(1/8): Historical Games 圍棋歷史上的名局

            Simul games 車輪戰指導棋

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