
David M. Brunson has an MFA in Poetry and Literary Translation from the University of Arkansas, where he received a Sturgis International Fellowship and a Lily Peter Fellowship for his work as a translator. His poetry and translations have appeared in or are forthcoming in Copper Nickel, ANMLY, Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing, Booth, Washington Square Review, The American Journal of Poetry, On the Seawall, Split Rock Review, Poetry Online, The Bitter Oleander, Nashville Review, Asymptote, DIAGRAM, Vassar Review, The Inflectionist Review, Journal of Italian Translation, The Literary Review and elsewhere. He is the editor of the Spanish-language anthology Una cicatriz donde se escriben despedidas: Poesía venezolana en Chile, published by Libros del Amanecer in Santiago, Chile. His debut volume as a translator, A Scar Where Goodbyes Are Written: The Poetry of Venezuelan Migrants in Chile, is forthcoming from LSU Press in 2023. He is also a Best of the Net nominee, and has been named as a semifinalist in the Cutbank, Iron Horse, and Snowbound poetry chapbook contests. He currently lives in Santiago, Chile.
大卫·布朗森(David Brunson) 诗人,作家和翻译家。拥有BA创意写作学位和MFA 创意写作和翻译学位。曾担任美国著名翻译文学杂志《Arkansas International》编辑。出版有译作 A Scar Where Goodbyes Are Written: The Poetry of Venezuelan Migrants in Chile (LSU Press, Spring 2023)和Una cicatriz donde se escriben despedidas: Antología de poesía venezolana en Chile( Libros del Amanecer)等。大卫的作品曾发表于Mānoa国际诗刊,渐近线国际文学季刊, Nashville评论, Copper Nickel杂志, DIAGRAM杂志, The Journal of Italian Translation, The Literary Review等等。他曾获得Lily Peter 翻译奖和Sturgis国际翻译奖
Yan Ge was born in Sichuan, China in 1984. She is a fiction writer in both Chinese and English and is the author of thirteen books in Chinese, including five novels. She has received numerous awards and was named by People’s Literature magazine as one of twenty future literature masters in China. Her work has been translated into eleven languages, including English, French and German. The English translation of her latest novel The Chilli Bean Paste Clan was published in 2018. Another translated novel, Strange Beasts of China, was published in 2020/2021; both won English PEN Translates Awards. She was on the judging panel of the International Dublin Literary Award 2019. In 2021, she was on the final selection panel for the Laureate for Irish Fiction. Yan’s English writing has appeared in the New York Times, the Irish Times, TLS, the Stinging Fly and elsewhere. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia where she was the recipient of the UEA International Award 2018/19. Her English language debut short story collection Elsewhere will be published by Faber in the UK and Scribner in the USA in spring 2023, followed by a novel Hotel Destination. Yan lives in Norwich with her husband and son. Yan has taught creative writing workshops and courses in various institutions and at literary festivals, including the National Center for Writing, the University of East Anglia, and the Ted Hughes Arvon Centre, among other places.
颜歌,本名戴月行,1984年生于四川成都。她是一名同时用中文和英文创作的双语作家。自十七岁出版第一部短篇小说集以后,迄今为止,她出版了11本作品,包括《我们家》,《五月女王》等。她曾获华语文学传媒大奖新人奖,茅盾文学新人奖,四川文学奖等奖项,并被《人民文学》提名为top20未来二十大家之一。她的作品被翻译成英文,法文,德国,等九国文字出版。目前,她是四川作家协会的签约作家,同时也是英国利兹大学中国文学中心的作家大使。颜歌自2016年开始英文写作。之后,她的英文作品陆续发表在《纽约时报》,《爱尔兰时报》,《泰晤士报文学副刊》,《布里克》以及费伯出版社《爱尔兰新短篇小说集》等杂志和书籍。她的英文短篇小说还入选了爱尔兰国家图书奖短篇小说奖的长名单。2018年,她获得了唯一一名国际学生全额奖学金,进入了欧洲历史最悠久的创意写作系,东英吉利大学创意写作系MFA就读。2019年,她作为五名评委之一评选了都柏林国际文学奖——英语文学界重量级的纯文学长篇小说奖。她的英语短篇小说集《Elsewhere》和长篇小说《Hotel Destination》将于英国Faber出版社和美国Scribner出版社出版。颜歌曾任教于东英吉利亚大学,英国国家写作中心,特德·修斯Arvon作家中心等。
Wang Bang is a bilingual writer currently based in Cambridge, UK. She began her career as a journalist, and has gone on to write fiction and non-fiction. She has published eight books, including a collection of film reviews, several collections of short stories, a Manga story entitled Ya San (published in French), and a film script, The Dream Cages, which won the award for the Best Feature Drama at the NYIFF in 2011 in New York. Her documentary film University City Savages has been shown at numerous international film festivals, and her short stories have been published in Chutzpah, Guggenheim Art Museum, Chinese Literature Today (University of Oklahoma Press), Words Without Borders, Hua Cheng Literary Magazine, HK Literature, The Best Selected Work of Chinese Literature of the Month, etc. She lives in England where she writes as a freelance columnist on social & gender issues for various Chinese media. Her current series of essays ‘observations of life in the UK' published by Dan Du Magazine in Beijing was shortlisted by the Chinese Youth Writer Award 2019, was also selected for the 10 best non-fiction of 2018 in China by the Shou Huo (the Harvest) Literary Magazine. These essays tackled universal issues such as mega farming, poverty, class immobility, etc., and the complete collection will be published by DanDu in 2022. She is one of the ten winners of the Escalator 2022 program, selected by the National Centre for Writing in Eastern Region, England.
Wang Bang is a bilingual writer currently based in Cambridge, UK. She began her career as a journalist, and has gone on to write fiction and non-fiction. She has published eight books, including a collection of film reviews, several collections of short stories, a Manga story entitled Ya San (published in French), and a film script, The Dream Cages, which won the award for the Best Feature Drama at the NYIFF in 2011 in New York. Her documentary film University City Savages has been shown at numerous international film festivals, and her short stories have been published in Chutzpah, Guggenheim Art Museum, Chinese Literature Today (University of Oklahoma Press), Words Without Borders, Hua Cheng Literary Magazine, HK Literature, The Best Selected Work of Chinese Literature of the Month, etc. She lives in England where she writes as a freelance columnist on social & gender issues for various Chinese media. Her current series of essays ‘observations of life in the UK' published by Dan Du Magazine in Beijing was shortlisted by the Chinese Youth Writer Award 2019, was also selected for the 10 best non-fiction of 2018 in China by the Shou Huo (the Harvest) Literary Magazine. These essays tackled universal issues such as mega farming, poverty, class immobility, etc., and the complete collection will be published by DanDu in 2022. She is one of the ten winners of the Escalator 2022 program, selected by the National Centre for Writing in Eastern Region, England.
王梆,双语作家。出版有电影文集《映城志》(中国人民大学出版社),数本迷你小说绘本集以及漫画故事《伢三》(法国达高出版集团)等。电影剧作《梦笼》获2011年纽约NYIFF独立电影节最佳剧情片奖。文学作品入选《天南》杂志,美国俄克拉荷马州大学《中国当代文学选集》, 美国“文字无边界”网站,古根海姆博物馆 “故事新编”中国当代艺术展,《中华文学选刊》,《长江文艺》,《芙蓉》《山花》《花城》,《香港文学》等。曾获广西文学小小说奖。为单读杂志撰写的非虚构”英国观察”系列,获2018《收获》排行榜专家榜第六,并入围第四届华语青年作家奖,合集将在2022年上半年由单读推出。中短篇小说自选集《假装在西贡》亦将在2022年六月由人民文学出版社出版。2021年始尝试英文写作,入选英国国家写作中心(National Centre for Writing)才华扶梯项目前十(Escalator talent development programme)。现居剑桥。作为英国社区活动的参与者,曾获选2018-2019剑桥郡东南选区工党少数族裔,华裔和黑人代言人,目前为英国食物银行成员。

Elaine Hsieh Chou is a Taiwanese American writer from California. A Rona Jaffe Graduate Fellow at NYU and a NYSCA/NYFA Fellow, her short fiction appears in The Normal School, Black Warrior Review, Guernica, Tin House Online and Ploughshares. After living in Taipei and Paris, she is now based in New York. Her debut novel DISORIENTATION comes out from Penguin Press (US) on March 22, 2022 and and Picador (UK) on July 21, 2022.
Elaine Hsieh Chou is a Taiwanese American writer from California. A Rona Jaffe Graduate Fellow at NYU and a NYSCA/NYFA Fellow, her short fiction appears in The Normal School, Black Warrior Review, Guernica, Tin House Online and Ploughshares. After living in Taipei and Paris, she is now based in New York. Her debut novel DISORIENTATION comes out from Penguin Press (US) on March 22, 2022 and and Picador (UK) on July 21, 2022.
伊莱恩·谢·周 是来自加州的华裔美国作家,曾居住于台湾和巴黎,现居纽约。她曾获得纽约大学创意写作MFA全额奖金(Rona Jaffe Graduate Fellow),纽约艺术基金会2021小说奖。她的小说发表于Guernica, Tin House Online and Ploughshares等美国核心文学刊物。她的长篇小说《迷失(DISORIENTATION )》于2022年企鹅兰登书屋(美国)和Picador出版社(英国)出版。

Jianan Qian writes in both Chinese and English. She has published four books in her native language Chinese. Among them, the nonfiction work "A Future that Concerns Me" was selected by Douban as one of the Top 10 Chinese nonfiction books in 2019. She has won a China Times Short Story Jury Prize in Taiwan. In English, she is a staff writer at The Millions. Her works have appeared in The New York Times, Granta, Guernica, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere. Her story "To the Dogs" won the O. Henry Prize in 2021. She has received fellowships from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, the McDonnell International Scholars' Academy at the Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Southern California, and the Summer Institute at UCLA. Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D. in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Southern California.
生于1980年代后期的上海,双子座。毕业于复旦大学中文系后就读于美国爱荷华作家工作坊,而后进入圣路易斯华盛顿大学攻读比较文学博士,现于南加州大学攻读文学与创作博士。作品曾获“欧·亨利奖” ,第三十四届台湾“时报文学奖”短篇小说评审奖,两度入围林语堂文学奖决审。译有小说《粉红色旅馆》([英]安娜·斯托瑟德著,四川文艺出版社),作品多见于《上海文学》《芙蓉》《萌芽》《鲤》等刊物。钱佳楠目前是上海作家协会会员,出版了短篇集《人只会老,不会死》,长篇《不吃鸡蛋的人》等作品。她的英语作品散见《纽约时报》《格兰塔》等媒体平台,是文学网站The Millions的专栏作者,同时为美中两国多家刊物撰写书评及翻译作品。

Patrick Doerksen is a writer based in Brooklyn. A graduate of NYU’s MFA program, he studied with Joyce Carol Oates and Jonathan Safran Foer as a Goldwater Fellow and a Lillian Vernon Fellow. In 2017, he attended the Clarion Writers’ Workshop in San Diego, the world’s premier program for speculative fiction authors, with the UCSD Knight Wilhelm Fund Scholarship. This year, the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts awarded him a 2022 fellowship for a writing residency. He has published over a dozen stories and poems in venues such as Mysterion, Aurealis, the Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, and Penguin Canada’s Journey Prize Anthology.
Patrick Doerksen 是一位居住在布鲁克林的作家。他曾获得Goldwater Fellow 和 Lillian Vernon Fellowship于纽约大学MFA写作项目跟随Joyce Carol Oates 和 Jonathan Safran Foer写作两年。2017年,Partrick获得了加州大学圣地亚哥分校骑士威尔海姆基金奖金,参加了在圣地亚哥举行的克拉里昂作家项目,世界上最重要的推想小说(Speculative fiction)作家项目。2022,Patrick获得了Constance Saltonstall艺术基金会年度奖金担任驻留作家。他的作品广泛的发表于美国著名文学杂志和期刊,包括Mysterion、Aurealis和企鹅出版社《Journey Prize Anthology》等等。Patrick曾任教于纽约大学和罗斯福岛 Coler-Goldwater Hospital医院艺术疗愈项目。

Jarret Leong is a writer and DJ from Southern California. After completing Columbia’s fiction MFA in 2017, he worked as a teaching fellow at Columbia’s Undergraduate Writing Program and spoke as a Word for Word translator at a Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Deeply influenced by west coast countercultural thought, his work explores decolonization and the journey to recover one’s imagination from a lifetime of cultural programming. In the years following completing his degree, Jarret has studied reiki and other healing modalities, which he incorporates into his creative and teaching processes. A self-taught astrologer, he enjoys studying esoterica and various occult materials. He is working on an essay collection.
Jarret Leong 是一位来自南加州的作家和DJ。在完成哥伦比亚大学的MFA小说硕士学位后,他在哥伦比亚大学的本科写作项目中担任教职员工。Jarret目前在研究灵气和其他疗愈方式,并灵修纳入他的创作和教学里。作为一个自学成才的占星家,他喜欢研究神秘学和各种神秘学材料。

Alastair Wong employs fictionalized selves in order to dramatize encounters with memory and reflect on his subjective experience, often juxtaposing images with text to explore their interactions. He holds BA in English at the University of Oxford with first class honors, MA in Creative writing from the University of East Anglia with Distinction he and is currently on the Prose Fiction MFA at Brooklyn College, where he received the Truman Capote Fellowship.
黃卓楠, 香港裔英国籍小说作者,以一等学位获得牛津大学英语文学系学士学位,东英吉利亚大学创意写作硕士学位后,作为时尚博主长期为Dazed, INDIE, SLEEK杂志供稿。2020年,Alastair获得了杜鲁门·卡博特奖金于布鲁克林学院创意写作MFA驻校写作。目前Alastair居住于纽约。

Kalisha Buckhanon is from the American Midwest. She has master’s and bachelor’s degrees in English from University of Chicago with a Creative Writing M.F.A. from The New School in New York City. She has taught preschoolers to seniors in numerous schools and programs across Chicago and New York City. She is author of the novels Upstate, Conception, Solemn and Speaking of Summer. Her short stories are printed in Fiction, Fiction International, Oxford American, Kweli, NYU's Black Renaissance Noire, Michigan Quarterly Review and more. Her next novel, the mystery Running to Fall, comes September 2022 from the historic African American Literature Book Club (AALBC.com).
Her debut novel Upstate is published in the UK and France, an American Library Association ALEX Award winner, a Hurston/Wright Foundation Debut Fiction Finalist, a New York Public Library’s Best Books for Teens and an inaugural “Literature for Justice” title for National Book Foundation. Her other honors include a Friends of American Writers Award for Conception, a Pushcart Prize nomination for her short story "Word," an Illinois Arts Council Fellowship in Prose and Phi Beta Kappa induction. She lives in Chicago.
Kalisha Buckhanon is from the American Midwest. She has master’s and bachelor’s degrees in English from University of Chicago with a Creative Writing M.F.A. from The New School in New York City. She has taught preschoolers to seniors in numerous schools and programs across Chicago and New York City. She is author of the novels Upstate, Conception, Solemn and Speaking of Summer. Her short stories are printed in Fiction, Fiction International, Oxford American, Kweli, NYU's Black Renaissance Noire, Michigan Quarterly Review and more. Her next novel, the mystery Running to Fall, comes September 2022 from the historic African American Literature Book Club (AALBC.com).
Her debut novel Upstate is published in the UK and France, an American Library Association ALEX Award winner, a Hurston/Wright Foundation Debut Fiction Finalist, a New York Public Library’s Best Books for Teens and an inaugural “Literature for Justice” title for National Book Foundation. Her other honors include a Friends of American Writers Award for Conception, a Pushcart Prize nomination for her short story "Word," an Illinois Arts Council Fellowship in Prose and Phi Beta Kappa induction. She lives in Chicago.
Kalisha Buckhanon is from the American Midwest. She has master’s and bachelor’s degrees in English from University of Chicago with a Creative Writing M.F.A. from The New School in New York City. She has taught preschoolers to seniors in numerous schools and programs across Chicago and New York City. She is author of the novels Upstate, Conception, Solemn and Speaking of Summer. Her short stories are printed in Fiction, Fiction International, Oxford American, Kweli, NYU's Black Renaissance Noire, Michigan Quarterly Review and more. Her next novel, the mystery Running to Fall, comes September 2022 from the historic African American Literature Book Club (AALBC.com).
Her debut novel Upstate is published in the UK and France, an American Library Association ALEX Award winner, a Hurston/Wright Foundation Debut Fiction Finalist, a New York Public Library’s Best Books for Teens and an inaugural “Literature for Justice” title for National Book Foundation. Her other honors include a Friends of American Writers Award for Conception, a Pushcart Prize nomination for her short story "Word," an Illinois Arts Council Fellowship in Prose and Phi Beta Kappa induction. She lives in Chicago.
卡莉莎·布克汉那(Kalisha Buckhanon)作家,资深编辑和教育家。拥有芝加哥大学英语文学专业硕士和学士学位和纽约新学院(New School) 创意写作MFA硕士学位。她曾出版了四本长篇小说,作品获得时代周刊,华盛顿邮报等主流媒体的赞扬。卡莉莎的新作《神秘的奔向秋天》将由历史悠久的非裔美国文学图书俱乐部AALBC于2022年9月出版。卡丽莎曾获美国图书馆协会ALEX奖,入围赫斯顿/赖特基金会处女作奖,纽约公共图书馆青少年最佳图书,以及国家图书基金会首届 "文学促进正义 "称号等。

Shangyang Fang grew up in Chengdu, China, and composes poems both in English and Chinese. While studying civil engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, he realized his bigger passion lies in the architecture of language and is now a poetry fellow at Michener Center for Writers. He is the recipient of the Joy Harjo Poetry Award and Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize. His name, Shangyang, originating from Chinese mythology, was a one-legged bird whose dance brought forth flood and rain. He is the author of Burry the Mountain( Copper Canyon Press)
Shangyang Fang grew up in Chengdu, China, and composes poems both in English and Chinese. While studying civil engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, he realized his bigger passion lies in the architecture of language and is now a poetry fellow at Michener Center for Writers. He is the recipient of the Joy Harjo Poetry Award and Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize. His name, Shangyang, originating from Chinese mythology, was a one-legged bird whose dance brought forth flood and rain. He is the author of Burry the Mountain( Copper Canyon Press)
Shangyang Fang grew up in Chengdu, China, and composes poems both in English and Chinese. While studying civil engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, he realized his bigger passion lies in the architecture of language and is now a poetry fellow at Michener Center for Writers. He is the recipient of the Joy Harjo Poetry Award and Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize. His name, Shangyang, originating from Chinese mythology, was a one-legged bird whose dance brought forth flood and rain. He is the author of Burry the Mountain( Copper Canyon Press)
方商羊,诗人,四川成都人。2016年其作品由美国诗学院院长玛丽莲•尼尔森选为乔伊•哈乔诗歌奖首奖;2017年获米切纳作家中心写作奖金,并作为诗歌学者于该作家中心驻留写作三年;2019年获格雷戈里•奥多诺国际诗歌奖,并受邀参加爱尔兰国际诗歌节。首本英文诗集Burying the Mountain将由CopperCanyon Press于2021年10月出版。2020年获斯坦福大学斯蒂格纳文学奖金, 现于斯坦福大学驻校写作及任教。作品散见于耶鲁评论,美国国家周刊杂志,爱荷华评论,格尔尼卡,新英格兰评论,Ploughshares,AGNI,TriQuarterly等国际文学刊物,并收录于英国前进诗歌协会年度诗刊。他的诗集《埋山》由铜峡谷出版社(Copper Canyon Press)出版。

Born in Korea and raised in East Africa, Melanie Hyo-In Han recently moved from Boston to Seoul where she’s a writer and a teacher. Nominated for Pushcart Prizes, Han has received awards from “Boston in 100 Words,” Valiant Scribe, Constellations, The Lyric Magazine, and elsewhere. She is the author of Sandpaper Tongue, Parchment Lips (Finishing Line Press) and the translator of several collections of Spanish poetry (Hebel Ediciones). She holds a B.A. in English, Spanish, and Linguistics, and an M.Ed. in Secondary English and Spanish from Gordon College, and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing (Poetry and Translation) from Emerson College where she taught in the Writing Studies Program and served as an ELL Consultant. Currently, Han is the Co-Editor-in-Chief at Flora Fiction and teaches English, Creative Writing, and Spanish at an international high school. Learn more about her at melaniehan.com.
Melanie Hyo-In Han 出生在韩国,在东非长大,她最近从波士顿搬到了首尔,在那里她是一名作家和教师。 Han 获得了手推车奖提名,并获得了“波士顿 100 字”、Valiant Scribe、Constellations、The Lyric Magazine 和其他地方的奖项。她是《砂纸舌》、《羊皮纸嘴唇》(Finishing Line Press)的作者,也是多部西班牙诗歌集(Hebel Ediciones)的翻译。她拥有学士学位。英语、西班牙语和语言学专业,以及教育硕士。在戈登学院获得中学英语和西班牙语学位,以及 M.F.A.她在艾默生学院获得创意写作(诗歌和翻译)学位,在那里她在写作研究项目中任教并担任 ELL 顾问。目前,Han 是 Flora Fiction 的联合主编,在一所国际高中教授英语、创意写作和西班牙语。在 melaniehan.com 上了解更多关于她的信息。

Nathanael Jones is an Afro-Caribbean Canadian writer and artist born in Montreal and currently based in Chicago, USA. His practice is interested in probing the spaces between poetry, performance, installation, and experimental music in order to draw attention to the structures and systems which make up our world. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary) from NSCAD University and an MFA in Writing from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). He has performed and exhibited at the Chicago Cultural Center, Experimental Sound Studio, Sullivan Galleries, Elastic Arts, Anna Leonowens Gallery, Khyber Centre for the Arts, 062 Gallery, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Tritriangle, Sector 2337, Archer Beach Haus, and Averill and Bernard Leviton Gallery. His work has been published online and in print with Aurochs, DREGINALD, Infinity's Kitchen, Parallax (Singing Saw Press), Damask Press, HAIR CLUB, Ghost Proposal, Present Tense Pamphlets, Funny Looking Dog Quarterly, and is forthcoming from Partial Press. He is the recipient of a Carol Becker-Dean's Merit Scholarship, an SAIC Incentive Scholarship, and was an SAIC Writing Fellow.
纳森奈尔·琼斯(Nathanael Jones)是一位出生在蒙特利尔的加拿大作家和艺术家,目前居住于美国芝加哥。他的实践间于诗歌、表演、装置和实验音乐之间。他拥有诺瓦艺术与设计(NSCAD)大学的视觉艺术学士学位和芝加哥艺术学院(SAIC)的跨学科创意写作MFA硕士学位。纳森奈尔·琼斯曾在芝加哥文化中心, Sullivan画廊, Elastic Arts艺术中心, Anna Leonowens Gallery, Khyber Centre for the Arts, 062 Gallery, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Tritriangle, Sector 2337, Archer Beach Haus, and Averill and Bernard Leviton画廊等地展出。他的实验创作曾发表于Aurochs, DREGINALD, Infinity's Kitchen, Parallax (Singing Saw Press), Damask Press, HAIR CLUB, Ghost Proposal, Present Tense Pamphlets, Funny Looking Dog Quarterly, Partial Press等。他曾获得Carol Becker-Dean's Merit Scholarship, an SAIC Incentive Scholarship, and SAIC Writing Fellow等奖金,任教于芝加哥艺术学院当代艺术实践系。

Yuki Tanaka is an assistant professor of English at Hosei University, Japan. He holds an MFA in poetry from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas-Austin, and a Ph.D. in English from Washington University in St. Louis. His poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Best New Poets, The New Republic, POETRY, and elsewhere. His translations of modern Japanese poetry (with Mary Jo Bang) have appeared in Boston Review, Kenyon Review, and Paris Review, among other journals. His chapbook Seance in Daylight was the winner of the 2018 Frost Place Chapbook Competition.
田中裕希,美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校创意写作博士,现为日本法政大学文学系教授。曾获米切纳作家中心诗歌写作奖金和弗罗斯特中心诗歌奖,并著有英文诗集《白日招魂》(Séance in Daylight)。其诗歌作品和翻译作品散见于《美国诗歌评论》《诗刊》《肯尼恩评论》《新共和周刊》及《巴黎评论》等。田中裕希在2015年获得了来自密歇根大学,布朗大学,德州大学米切纳作家中心,爱荷华大学,弗吉尼亚大学,马萨诸塞大学,阿默斯特学院等美国最著名写作项目的全额奖金offer。

Tara J. is a multimedia artist from Chicago. She holds a BA in English and Journalism from Boston University and an MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. They are the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Raptor Editing & Press, and most recently, they were the Senior Content Editor at the Academy of American Poets, where she was a member of the Poem-a-Day editorial team, managing and curating the Guest Editor program while producing Poem-a-Day on a daily deadline. They also managed, edited, and produced several issues of American Poets Magazine, a print publication that goes out to the Academy’s over 9,500 person membership base. A former fellow at Poets & Writers Magazine, they have attended the Tin House Summer Writers Retreat and the Constance Staltonstall Foundation for the Arts. Tara’s work has been published in The Shoreline Review, Yes Poetry, Hobart, and others.
Tara J. 是一位来自芝加哥的多媒体艺术家。她拥有波士顿大学英语和新闻学学士学位,莎拉·劳伦斯学院创意写作诗歌方向硕士学位。她是独立出版社Raptor Editing & Press的创始人和主编,Poets.org和Poem-a-day(美国诗人协会)的高级内容编辑,《American Poets Magazine》编辑。曾任Poets&Writers杂志研究员,获得过Tin House夏季作家工作坊奖等。
Xiao Yue Shan is a poet born in Dongying, China and living on Vancouver Island. The chapbook, How Often I Have Chosen Love, won the Frontier Poetry Chapbook Prize and was published in 2019. The full-length collection, Then Telling Be the Antidote, won the Tupelo Press Berkshire Prize and is forthcoming in 2022. She has received the New Millenium Award for Poetry and the Juxtaprose Poetry Prize, and her poetic projects have been sponsored by the Canadian Council for the Arts. Poems have appeared in the Kenyon Review, Poetry Magazine, Artlyst, Asian American Writers’ Workshop, Ambit, and more. Poem-films have shown in festivals in London, Vienna, New York, and Athens. She runs the Beijing-based bilingual literary journal Spittoon, and is the poetry editor for the Hong Kong-based journal, Cicada. Her website is shellyshan.com
单小月,英语诗人与编辑,生于中国东营,现居温哥华岛。她的诗集《我选择爱情的频率》(2019)获得了Frontier诗歌奖;诗集《然后告诉是解药》获 Tupelo Press出版社的Berkshire Prize奖将于2022年出版。她是英语文学杂志《Spittoon Literary Magazine》的主编,《Tokyo Poetry Journal》的艺术总监和编辑,《渐近线文学季刊》英文版的博客编辑与《Cicada》诗刊的诗歌编辑。她的个人网站为:shellyshan.com。