Accent Society is dedicated to nurturing and supporting Chinese writers who write across languages and disciplines through teaching, consulting and publishing. Our mission is to discover and cultivate underrepresented voices and daring artistic visions. 

 Based in New York City,  Accent Society was founded by Na Zhong and Jiaoyang Li in 2019.  

重音社(Accent Society)是中国首个服务中英双语写作者的赋能平台,致力于发掘、传播、孵化跨语言、跨地域、跨媒介的新写作,建立文学写作社群,为写作者提供支持和资源,接入世界文学谱系。



Na Zhong is a writer and translator based in New York. Her words can be found or are forthcoming in The Margins, Lit Hub, A Public Space, The Shanghai Literary Review, The Millions, among others. She is the Chinese translator of Sally Rooney's Conversations with Friends and Normal People.

钟娜:双语写作者,文学译者,播客主播,文学孵化平台重音社合创人。中英文作品散见《小说界》,《上海文学》,《新京报书评周刊》,《洛杉矶书评》,Lit Hub,The Margins,A Public Space 等。纽约小说中心青年作家项目成员,Tin House 工作坊成员,长篇节选获 Bette Howland 奖,New School Chapbook 奖等。译有《聊天记录》,《正常人》,《我们所失去的,我们所抛下的》。

Jiaoyang Li is a poet and visual artist currently based in New York.  Her work has showecased in New York Live Arts Center,  The Immigrants Artist Biennial, 
The Los Angeles Review,  Life Magazine among others.  She has received grants and support from New York Foundation For the Arts,  British Council,  Pen America, Foundation for Contemporary Arts,  Breadloaf Conference, The Performance Project at USS and others.  She was the poet in residency at Chashama gallery.

李骄阳:现工作和生活于纽约的诗人和跨媒介艺术创作者。重音社的合创人,为多家英语杂志工作。文字作品散见于Gulf Coast Magazine,3: AM, Blackbox Manifold, Foglifter Magazine, 洛杉矶书评,中国新闻周刊等。跨界实验作品在纽约现场艺术中心, 移民艺术家双年展,Performa双年展,洛杉矶设计节,希腊国际电影诗歌节,Chashama Gallery等地展出。曾获得纽约艺术基金会,英国文化教育协会,美国当代艺术基金会等机构的资助和支持。

Board Members

Consuela Sufei Yang, poet,  translator and interdisciplinary artist. she has won Rougang Poetry Prize (Rougang Poetry Foundation, 2019), Weiming Poetry Prize (Peking University, 2015), Chongchang Poetry Prize (Nanjing University, 2015) among others.  Her poems and translations can be found in Washington Square Review, Poetry Magazine, Enclave Poetry Magazine and many others. Centering on posthuman society, censorship and virtual violence, her recent social art projects include multimedia installation “Fahrenheit 451: An Observation on Book Censorship in Mainland China” (Yell Art Space, Shanghai, 2019), “Enclave”(OCT Contemporary Art Terminals, Shanghai, 2017), as well as performance art piece “Syzygy” (Performa Biennial Festival, New York, 2019) and “A Loop of Her Own” (Bird & Beckett Bookstore, San Francisco, 2018-2019).

康苏埃拉,旅美诗人、译者、跨媒介创作者、策划人。作为诗人,她曾获柔刚诗歌奖·主奖、未名诗歌奖、重唱诗歌奖、樱花诗歌奖、全球华语大学生年度诗人奖;作为译者,她曾获诗东西翻译奖·提名奖,任“译言古登堡计划”公版图书译介项目选题人,译有安妮·沃德曼、塔菲亚·法伊祖拉、埃⾥森·阿达尔等英语诗人代表作,译有小说集《大机器停止》,合译有艺术研究文集《流:水体——上海双年展读本》《她:妮基·圣法勒和沈远》《禹步:上海双年展读本》及多种当代艺术展览;作为跨媒介创作者,她的综合媒介作品曾呈现于The Root Slam、Bird & Beckett Books、Performa行为艺术双年展、Yell Space要空间、OCAT艺术中心等文学艺术展演场域;她的其他实践涉及跨学科创意策划、编辑出版、公共教育及社群行动。她将文本内外的反重力战斗视为一部正在生成的汇合之诗。

林小颜,90后旅美诗人,本科毕业于加州大学戴维斯分校历史系,研究生毕业于哥伦比亚大学教育学院,著有诗集《看不见的特拉维夫》,英文诗集 Café after Dawn最新中文诗集《我的诗句唤不醒长眠的你》最近由长江文艺出版社出版,现居纽约。她的诗歌常探索爱与浪漫、存在与死亡、无意义、现代焦虑、人类共性、语言局限性以及日常生活中的“真理”等。诗歌评论家奚密评价其诗歌具有“纯粹的美”,美国诗人约瑟夫·法撒诺评价其诗歌“在诉说与沉默、诗歌与散文、琐事与神圣之间游走。”

Liuyu Ivy Chen is a poet, writer, and translator. Born and raised in the mountainous region of central Zhejiang, China, she earned a B.A. in Chinese language and literature from Beijing Language and Culture University, and an MFA in creative writing – poetry from New York University. Ivy's writing explores gender, family, migration, and history through grassroots storytelling across geographic borders. Co-founder of TransWords Translations LLC, she specializes in translating artistic materials and human rights reports between English and Chinese for art museums and nonprofit organizations around the world. She also works in the Art History Department at Emory University as a program coordinator for the Getty Foundation's Connecting Art Histories program – Beyond the Northern Aegean. She lives in New York City.

陈留瑜是文学创作者和译者,纽约大学英文创意写作艺术硕士,北京语言大学汉语言文学学士。她的作品发表在 Washington Square Review, LIT Magazine, Columbia Journal, Ploughshares, Asymptote, Spittoon, LARB China Channel, SupChina, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 等刊物上。留瑜曾获纽约大学全额奖学金,以及纽约艺术基金会移民艺术家项目扶助,也是北京红门画廊国际驻留艺术家。留瑜的籍贯是浙江永康。

Literary Advisors

Zhao Song is a writer, critic and curator. Song has published eight books and has won the Short Story Biennial Award and One-way Street Bookstore Literature Award. He  was the deputy director  of Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art and Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum,  and the literary counselor of CITIC Publishing house–Dafang inprint.


Shangyang Fang grew up in Chengdu, China, and composes poems both in English and Chinese. While studying civil engineering at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, he realized his bigger passion lies in the architecture of language and is now a poetry fellow at Michener Center for Writers. He is the recipient of the Joy Harjo Poetry Award and Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize. His name, Shangyang, originating from Chinese mythology, was a one-legged bird whose dance brought forth flood and rain.

方商羊,四川成都人。伊利诺伊大学土木工程系理学学士。2016年其作品由美国诗学院院长玛丽莲•尼尔森选为乔伊•哈乔诗歌奖首奖;2017年获米切纳作家中心写作奖金,并作为诗歌学者于该作家中心驻留写作三年;2019年获格雷戈里•奥多诺国际诗歌奖,并受邀参加爱尔兰国际诗歌节。首本英文诗集Burying the Mountain将由CopperCanyon Press于2021年10月出版。2020年获斯坦福大学斯蒂格纳文学奖金, 现于斯坦福大学驻校写作及任教。作品散见于耶鲁评论,美国国家周刊杂志,爱荷华评论,格尔尼卡,新英格兰评论,Ploughshares,AGNI,TriQuarterly等国际文学刊物,并收录于英国前进诗歌协会年度诗刊。

Tech Advisors

zzyw is an art and research collective formed by Yang Wang and Zhenzhen Qi in New York, 2017. It produces software applications, simulation, and text as instruments to examine the cultural, political and educational imprints of computation.

zzyw是一个由漆贞贞和汪洋组建的艺术和研究团体。该团体生产软件应用程序、计算模拟和写作,用来作为研究计算性在文化和教育方面影响的工具。zzyw曾为纽约新美术馆(New Museum)文化和科技孵化器NEW INC的成员,他们也在纽约布鲁克林艺术与创新中心先锋工场(Pioneer Works)的做过科技驻地艺术家。现在正在纽约的独立游戏机构Babycastles做驻地艺术家。他们的研究向媒体艺术项目曾展览于纽约新美术馆根茎(Rhizome),中国国家美术馆,上海当代艺术博物馆,上海浦东美术馆,纽约Knockdown Center等。

Ze Gao is an interdisciplinary artist, curator. working with physical and digital media, interested in the intersection of art and technology. He currently living and working in Guang Zhou and Hong Kong.
Mr. Gao’s works have been showcased in many exhibitions in the United States, Europe, and China.  Festival in China.


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