
被困在或解放于镜面般反射性的字里行间是怎样的体感?如果一个[女孩/读者/写作] 跌入了在书的外形伪装下,实为斐波那契数列驱动的这个剧场,被牵动的空间里会展开怎样的形变?
You can lie down and dream of another time in Amphitheater.
What is it like to be trapped (or emancipated) between the mirrors of text?
What happens when a girl/a reader/a writing enters a theater space hidden in a book operated by the generative mechanism of a Fibonacci sequence, consistently unraveling and escaping their comprehension?
Dive into the quicksand of this hybrid prose-poem—an experimental attempt at embodying dramatic stasis and bedazzlement of undulating imagery within a narrow poetic space that challenges the capacity of language and questions the rigidity of narrative. In 煦’s Amphitheater, we find ourselves both in the center of the stage and below. Swept into the elliptical motion of the language, we explore this dreamlike landscape of meditation and contemplation on time, identity, and many more obscure matters without being unsettled by getting lost.
The light’s out. It is time to close our eyes and start seeing.
作者:煦(Susie Zhu)
语言: 英文 | 页数: 69
开本: 15*22cm
出版社: Atmosphere Press
装帧/封面设计:煦(Susie Zhu)
建议上架:文学-实验-诗歌剧场 (?)
by 煦(Susie Zhu)/9