4/20 纽约 Spring Salon : Awakening

Spring Salon: Awakening

4/20 7:30

Hosted by Yuxi Lin

Persona studio, Broolyn

Your body awakens after the slumber of winter. While on the L, you get a sudden urge to kiss the neck of the stranger standing before you. Trader Joe's is selling tulip bouquets for $4.99. There are red wheelbarrows everywhere and so much skin on the people jogging along the Hudson. You touch the earth and it touches you back.   Come for a night & awaken your soul with readings by Felice Arenas, Jiaoyang Li, Katie Willingham, Nell Wright, Na Zhong, Yuxi Lin, & music by Miles Hewitt!  Bring your sexy self and companions, along with a libation to toast friends both new & dear!   Suggested $10 donation at event (cash or Venmo). All proceeds to go artists!

Readers Bio:
Felice Arenas  wrote Netflix synopses for a decade and teaches editing at Berkeley. Her work has also appeared or is forthcoming in Harvard Review, The Georgia Review, Entropy, and more. Born and raised in Chicago, she has lived in Los Angeles, New York, Brooklyn, and Shanghai.
Jiaoyang Li   is a poet and wedding minister. She is the cofounder of Accent Society and Accent Sisiters Speakeasy Bookstore. Her writing work has resided in text, songs, video games, theatre shows and others.
Katie Willingham   is the author of Unlikely Designs (2017, The University of Chicago Press). Willingham teaches writing at the University of Michigan and serves as an editor at Michigan Quartely Review.
Nell Wright is a poet and visual artist from New Jersey. She has received support from the Vermont Studio Center, the Community of Writers. Her work has appeared on The Yale Review, The New Yorker and others.
Na Zhong, a bilingual writer, literary translator, co-host of podcast 跳岛FM & co-founder of Accent Society. Her words can be found in Lit Hub, A Public Space, and The Millions, among others. She is the Chinese translator of Sally Rooney’s novels.
Yuxi Lin is a Chinese American writer, AAWW Margins Fellow, and winner of the Breakout 8 Writers Prize. Her writing has appeared in Poetry, The Washington Post and elsewhere.  Yuxire rceived her MFA from New York University, where she was a Lillian Vernon Fellow. She lives and teaches in New York.

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